As Younes Shakib has been active in different sectors since its inception, it was determined from the outset to carry out its activities in the best way and provide quality products and services to the applicants.
The company has been operating for over 15 years in the field of transportation and transfer of goods among different countries, the majority of Younes Shakib products are being shipped by the company itself to various countries.
Younes Shakib Company is ready to provide load transfer services to all companies and traders in various sectors, including industrial machinery, motor vehicles and construction, food, oil and gas, and so on. The company carries out its transportation services from the countries of the United States, Europe, Central Asia, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan and Pakistan, which has formal representatives in all of the countries to deal with customers.
- USA, Esmat Shams: +1818 58 50 771
- Germany, Abdullah Haqiqi: +49 160 84 0000 8
- Middle Asia, Kaka Jan: +99 36 43 241 32
- UAE, Faisal Fahim: +971 50 15 80 600
- Afghanistan, Ghulam Sakhi: +9379950 18 25
- Kazakestan, +777 54 39 7777